ICOM 7610 and 7600 ICOM 7610
ICOM 7600
I have journeyed through a number of radios over the years, starting with Heathkit SB-104A, then Yaesu FT-1000D, Mark V Field and FT-2000 followed by Elecraft K3s, ICOM 7600 and now ICOM 7610. I have used HL-2200 Heathkit linear, Yaesu FL-7000, Quadra linear, ICOM PW1 and recently the Expert 1.3K-FA. My absolute preference is for solid state radios and amps, instant on and ready to go is what I look for. Click here for my linear page. ICOM 7600 This radio is self contained if you choose not to use a computer. If you connect a keyboard to the USB port on the front you will be able to do FSK & PSK. I use a wireless keyboard with a glide pad for both keyboard and mouse interface. This only for experimenting, I use the computer and DXLab for all my serious DXing. ICOM 7610 This radio is the next generation of radios. This radio has all the back connectors the 7600 has and more. I had the Flex 6600 with a Maestro but in the end the 7610 was my choice. It was a simple matter of unplugging all my connections to the 7600 and plugging them into the 7610, no modifications. The mechanical switch was easy but it took a bit more menu tweaking to get it all working. the 7610 Like the 7600 can stand alone with just a keyboard for RTTY & PSK operation. The 7610 can also be remoted via the internet connection, it is a stand alone server no computer is needed. The screen is bigger and it is a touch screen. The 7610 is a full SDR radio with dual 16 bit A/D receive channels. It also has an external display connector but the radio screen is big and sharp so I don't need it at this time. Even though there is only one main tuning knob the 7610 makes provisions for the RC-28 to plug into a USB port and tune the second VFO. One additional features I like: List of PDFs pertaining to the 7610 & 7600
7600 Info