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Ithaca Intersystems

InterSystem DPS-1

Thinker Toys Wunderbuss

North Star Horizon

CRT display of directory for drive A & b, both work.

Lifeboat CP/M 2.24, Northstar dos 5.1, original disks.

Televideo 950


Various S-100 Boards I have owned over many years.
The UCI & Heath/Zenith boards look like S-100 but are not.

UCI Easywin S_100 to ISA board. Donated to Lifeline user group.

UCI Easywin backside.

Heath/Zenith 8" & 51/4" floppy disk controller.

Heath/Zenith backside.

MicroAngelo graphics board.

Tecmar A/D AD-212 board front side.

Tecmar A/D AD-221 board back side of AD-212.

Techmar D/A board.

Morrow HDC/DMA board Rev. 4.

Vector Graphics S-100 floppy controller.

Processor Technology VDM display.

North Star 16K memory card.

North Star Z80 microprocessor board.

North Star floppy disk controller.

CompuPro Interfacer II.

Ithaca InterSystems Z80 microprocessor board.

Ithaca InterSystems 64K dynamic memory board.

Ithaca InterSystems I/O board.

Morrow Disk Jockey/DMA board.

D.C Hayes Micromodem 100.

Pickles & Trout IEEE 488 board.

Godbout, Compupro Ram 20.

Miscellaneous Boards

SMS Winchester Disk Controller. I'm looking for documentation for it. I picked it up at a Hamfest.

Televideo Multiuser Bare Board 816, unpopulated.

Televideo Multiuser Interface Board Bare 816, unpopulated.

Overland 9 track tape drive



bulletOverland installation and users guide    5.13 megs
bullet Overland installation, configuration and data tools manual    38 megs
bulletOverland software in ZIP file    1.2 megs

Apple Classic color computer

Apple SE with Super Drive

DEC LSI-11 Cards
Boards were also used in Heathkit's H-11