BYTE 1982

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bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 1        The IBM Personal Computer
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 2        Winter Computing
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 3        Printers
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 4        Human Factors Engineering
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 5        Japanese Computers
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 6        Interactive Videodiscs
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 7        Computers in the Arts and Sciences
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 8        Logo
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 9        Computers and the Disabled
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 10      Computers in Business
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 11      Graphics
bullet Byte magazine volume 7 issue 12      Game Plan 1982