Byte magazine volume 9 issue 1
Future-Trends |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 2
Benchmarks |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 3
Simulation |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 4
Real-World Interfacing |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 5
Computers and the Professions |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 6
Computers and Education |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 7
Computers and Video |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 8
Modula-2 |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 9
Guide to the IBM PCs |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 10
Computer Graphics |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 11
Databases |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 12
New Chips |
Byte magazine volume 9 issue 13 Communications |