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Deluxe QRP 80 thru 10 Meters CW Transceiver

Without WARC band kit.

With WARC band kit.

Without WARC band kit.

With WARC band kit.

Introduced in the Spring of 84.

horizontal rule

This is a very nice QRP rig which I owned and sold, I regret doing that. They are frequently available on eBay for under $200. If you purchase one be sure it has the WARC bands installed. These unit require moderate building experience and are frequently messed up. These cases scuff easily but brown KIWI scuff magic is suppose to work. A good web site for the HW-9 is http://home.frognet.net/~mcfadden/wd8rif/hw9.htm
bulletAssembly/Operation manual    24.4 megs (part number 595-3059)
bulletIllustration booklet    9.8 megs (part number 595-3059)
bulletSchematic    731 KB (part number 595-3059)
bulletBand pack assembly manual    3.8 megs (part number 595-3061)
bulletBand pack illustration booklet    2 megs (part number 595-3061)
bulletHW-8 Handbook 2nd edition, also has articles on the HW-9