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This page will discuss the installation of Ubuntu 14.04 on a personal computer.

The first step would be to download an ISO image of Ubuntu 14.04. 64 or 32 bit will depend on your architecture. If you have at least 4 gigs of memory and 64 bit architecture than I recommend the 64 bit version. See the following link

Now that you downloaded the ISO image you want Burn the image to either a DVD or a USB drive.

If you want to put the image on a USB drive than download  the installer from the following link.
The program is called Yummi and does not install anything it just runs and allows you to write any ISO image to the USB drive.

A video tutorial for Yummi is at the following link

If you want to burn an image to DVD you can either use the free iso burn or imgbrn. I prefer free iso burn because it does not install anything it just runs.
But if you prefer imgbrn than go to the following link

The following video will assist you using freeisoburner and imgbrn

A video on how to install Ubuntu 14.04. Watch the following video all the way thru before you proceed.

Ubuntu 14.04 video tutorials there are 20 videos in all

5 things to do after installing Ubuntu