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This is my Page to Vent about Politicians!

Just think about what our politicians have done for us.

They have allowed the banking and wall street to bankrupt America!

They passed the free trade act with Mexico and many of our jobs went south of the border. I think it is rather ironic that Chrysler had to shut down the once famous PT cruiser because of lack of sales, it's production was in Mexico!

They passed this wonderful banking reform act and did nothing to solve or control Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. These two had a lot to do with the sub-prime loans.

They allow corporations to shelter over 60 billion dollars a year in off shore accounts!! Our politicians know this but continue to let it happen, what does that tell you?

The FDA the protector of our food and medicines, now there is a laugh. This organization is nothing more then a lap dog of the industry.

Politicians need to be held criminally liable for their actions. Before we send them off to Washington we need to give them an IQ and reading comprehension test. The problem is we send politicians to Washington and not lawmakers.