Old Shack

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My First Heathkit radio shack with SB-104A series

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My Old SB-104A series.  I put it up on eBay for sale. I sold the entire series consisting of the SB104A, SB-604/HP-1144A, SB-614, SB-634, SB-230, spare boards and extender, SA-5010A and the HDP-121. It sold on a buy it now in 2 days.  This is still a very popular set with hams and collectors.

My Last Heathkit radio shack with SS-9000 & HW-5400 radios

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My main radio is an SS-9000 & matching PS-9000 display and power supply.  My secondary radio is an HW-5400 & matching HWA-5400-1 display and power supply.  This radio has all options installed.  My QRP rig is the HW-9 with WARC band kit, matching power supply PSA-9 and SP-99 speaker. In addition I have the HL-2200 2KW linear amp., HO-5404 station monitor with HOA-5404-1 pan adapter card.  Accessories to the station include an HK-232 packkit unit, HD-1515 phone patch, HD-1418 active audio filter,SA-2060A antenna tuner & power meter, HD-1481 remote coax switch, HM-9 QRP wattmeter, HFT-9 antenna tuner, HD-8999 Ultra keyboard, SA-5010A keyer, HD-1410 keyer, HDP-242 microphone, HN-31 Cantenna dummy load, HD-1416A code oscillator, IM-2410 frequency counter, IM-5225 FET multimeter and an IM-5238 AC voltmeter. I also have a working H/Z-90 computer. The only items that are not Heathkit are my Leader LBO-524 oscilloscope, Yaesu G-450A rotor and my home brew computer. 

My old Yaesu radio shack with the FT-1000MP Mark V and FL-7000 amp

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My main radio is an Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V Field & matching SP-8 speaker with phone patch.  The Mark V has all Yaesu filters installed and I have the FH-1 remote and DVS-2 recorder options. My secondary radio is an ICOM IC-706 with the LDG AT-7000 autotuner, mainly used for 6 & 2 meter operation.  My QRP rig is the Yaesu FT-817ND with the LDG Z-817 autotuner. In addition I have the Yaesu FL-7000  linear amp. which runs at 600 watts. Station include a Palstar AT2K tuner, MFJ 259B antenna analyzer, Bencher iambic keyer & straight key, Heil Goldline GM-4 mike mounted on the shock absorbing boom, Alinco DM-330MV power supply and a MFJ-1126 power distribution strip. Yaesu  G-2800DXA, with a Idiom Press serial controller,  turns a Mosley S-33 with 40, 20 & 17 meters and a Cushcraft A505S 5 element 6 meter antenna. These antennas are on a 50' aluminum Universal tower and a 10' aluminum mast. The Yaesu G-450A rotor turns a Cushcraft MA5B 20 thru 10 meters beam which includes WARC bands, this is mounted on a mast from my chimney about 25' up. I also have a Alpha Delta DX-B 160 thru 10 meters sloper which slopes from the 40' height , off the tower, to 17' above ground. I also have a Kenwood TH-79A dual band handheld and a couple of Cobra CB handhelds for non ham use. I use two Delta-4 switches to switch my antennas and radios.

My old Yaesu radio shack with the FT-2000, Flex 3000 and Quadra amp

Shack with FT-2000 and DXLab running. DX Atlas is on the right monitor.

Flex 3000 & DXLab running. The SDR software is on the right monitor.

My FT-2000 and DMU-2000 running.

Quadra power supply, New computer and a 1 KW dummy load.

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My main radio is an Yaesu FT-2000 with FH-2 keypad, matching speaker & DMU-2000.  My secondary radio is an Flex-3000 mainly used for digital and CW.  In addition I have the Yaesu Quadra 1KW  linear amp. Station includes a Palstar AT2K tuner, Bencher iambic keyer & straight key, Heil Goldline GM-4 mike mounted on the shock absorbing boom, Heil Pro set Plus, Heil PTT footswitch, Alinco DM-330MV power and Pyramid PS-26KX power supply and a MFJ-1126 power distribution strip. Yaesu  G-2800DXA, with a Idiom Press serial controller,  turns a Mosley S-33 yagi with 40, 20 & 17 meters and a Cushcraft A505S 5 element 6 meter beam.